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Demand Generation Case Study

From desktop to data center virtualization, our client is the leader in providing virtualization solutions world-wide. Customers of all sizes rely on our client to reduce CAPEX and OPEX to ensure business continuity, strengthen security, and go green. Their broad and proven suite of virtualization solutions addresses a range of complex challenges facing IT organizations, including:

  • Server Consolidation & Infrastructure Optimization
  • Business Continuity
  • Virtual Lab Automation
  • Enterprise Desktop Management

Customer Challenges

The client wanted to increase its presence in India and contacted us for generating sales leads from companies having a certain minimum number of servers, across various industry verticals. The client had also upgraded its product and was facing a challenge in getting its users to switch to the modified product.

iSOURCe solution

A dedicated team of iSOURCe’s research professionals engaged with IT and business decision-makers of various corporations to get them to evaluate the client’s virtualization solution. Through several data building and demand generation exercises our researchers were able to identify potential business prospects and develop a sales pipeline for the client. iSOURCe also contacted all the existing users and conducted an up-sell exercise which resulted in many of them switching to the upgraded model. iSOURCe worked on the data generated from the client events and profiled the companies and contacts in this data . These profiles were then used for lead generation.


iSOURCe delivered ROI to the client in the following ways:

  • Data build activity: Client received a database comprising 10,220 corporations profiled by iSOURCe as per the number of servers used. This profiling generated details of a total of 34,992 contacts which could be readily used for lead generation.
  • iSOURCe profiled 2,094 companies and gathered details of 4,324 contacts from lists of registrants for events and seminars conducted by the client.
  • iSOURCe generated leads from the events conducted by the client on a regular basis.
  • Lead Generation: The client received 1,662 leads of companies, out of which they were able to close 222 deals worth $4,440,000, as a result of iSOURCe’s lead generation activities.
  • Data Refresh activities: iSOURCe refreshed existing databases of the client by profiling 6,891 companies which included re-verification of details of 25,284 contacts.
  • iSOURCe became the client’s sole contact partner in India and handled all incoming toll-free calls, regarding events, seminars, training certifications, procurement and implementation of software, for the client.

Sales Support Case Study

Trend Micro (TM), a US$ 1.17 billion consolidated net sales MNC with operations in 23 countries, is among the top three in web, messaging and endpoint security product sales. It delivers innovative technologies to create simple yet sophisticated tools to protect users against known and unknown threats. Trend Micro offers a range of security solutions and services focused on Internet content security and threat management.

Customer Challenges

  • Rise in endpoint infection rates due to increase in use of IT for business and growth in mobile computing.
  • The increased costs of a major breach including notification of affected third parties, compensation claims, brand damage etc.
  • Increase in virtualisation of IT environments.
  • Customers looking for ways to save money by increasing efficiency of security management and systems management of endpoints.
  • Enterprises reassessing capabilities of their existing endpoint protection due to increase in number and scope of regulations.

iSOURCe solution

iSOURCe worked as a marketing arm of the client and helped in market expansion. Campaigns designed to overcome business challenges and the processes involved in each are as follows:

  • Building a database of target audience for marketing campaigns and lead generation from the same.
  • Region-wise lead assignment to client sales managers on a weekly basis and taking weekly feedback on leads assigned.
  • Analysis of lead feedback received from the client regional sales manager. This included tracking the number of leads closed, accepted (in funnel), pending for validation by sales team of client and rejected leads.
  • Weekly re-view call with client regional sales managers discussing the above analysis.
  • Re-validation and Re-assignment of rejected leads.
  • Mapping number of closed leads with number of leads accepted by client sales team to calculate the ROI for review and analysis of marketing campaign.
  • Providing client with weekly, monthly and quarterly reports of leads delivered to enable analysis of marketing campaign effectiveness, sales team performance and strategy planning.
  • eDM blast to prospect database built by iSOURCe.
  • eDM blast to existing customers, using client’s database, to sell upgraded and new products of the client.
  • Identifying potential channel partners and pitching the advantages of becoming distributors for the client to them.
  • Building complete profiles of client’s customers from database comprising single contact and product purchased. This included evaluating customer satisfaction.
  • Lead generation: iSOURCe profiled 3,636 companies covering IT/ITES, BFSI, manufacturing, education, healthcare etc. A total of 3075 leads were generated and assigned to the client’s sales force. The 1260 leads accepted by sales resulted in the client closing sales deals worth US$ 227,509.
  • Webinar audience generation: iSOURCe generated an audience of 1,384 spread across 24 webinars and generated 192 leads from the webinar attendees. This helped increase awareness about the client’s product apart from the sales opportunities extracted.
  • A total of 352 prospective channel partners of the client were profiled giving the client greater insight into product distribution. A number of these were later enrolled as actual channel partners by the client.
  • Helping client know their customers: Complete profiles of 2,773 customer companies were built from a single contact and product sold and customer feedback obtained arming the client with greater information about their customers to enable further sales.

Customer Profiling Case Study

Our Customer provides protection against many of the primary causes of data loss, hardware damage and downtime. It is a leading provider of global, end-to-end AC and DC-based back-up power products and services and Data Centre solutions and services.

Customer Challenges

The client was seeking to identify sales leads and map the existing IT and power back-up infrastructure of potential customers. The major problem faced was low market penetration as compared to competitors. A secondary objective was to generate opportunities for the client’s data centre professional services, including audit and assessment, migration, managed operations and remote infrastructure management and other products such as power distribution units.

Profiling of potential customer companies had to be done as per the client’s specifications. Client wanted leads generated and companies profiled from within different industries, company size ranges, and existing IT infrastructure size ranges. For example, BFSI companies profiled had to be: Banks with minimum Rs 200 crore deposit; or firms with Rs 100 crore turnover/ total income; or banks/firms with minimum 350 PCs.

iSOURCe solution

We used a 5 step best practice methodology to address the client’s requirement.

  • Step 1 – Identification of a database of companies that had the propensity to buy the client’s products.
  • Step 2 – Desk-based research to enhance the company information by locating and adding the appropriate contacts/decision-makers in each company to the database.
  • Step 3 – Outbound tele-calling to identify these companies’ business issues and pain points that could be addressed through the client’s products and services.
  • Step 4 – BANT qualify all opportunities before sending them to client’s inside sales team.
  • Step 5 – Lead management, tracking, feedback and nurturing to ensure that leads were accepted both by the client’s inside sales teams as well as the client’s channel partners. This included follow up in the form of EDM’s, white papers, webinars etc.


ROI for projects done in 2012 for the client:

  • Total number of companies(customers) profiled for the client = Over 5800
  • Total number of leads generated and sent to client = Over 3300
  • Value of leads sent to client = Over Rs 160 crore
  • Sales revenue growth for the client.
  • Expansion of customer base
  • Strengthening competitive advantage through increase in awareness about client’s products and services
  • Product and services feedback, which is sent as additional comments in the profiles and leads, can be used to improve products and thereby increase customer satisfaction levels

Data Management Case Study

Cisco is a global leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. It has industry-leading products in the core areas of routing and switching as well as advanced technologies in areas such as unified communications, network security, video, virtualization and cloud computing. It sells its products primarily to large enterprises, telecommunication service providers, small businesses and consumers. Cisco Systems India serves a region that includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

Customer Challenges:

  • Data received from event management companies was not in the format required for uploading into Cisco’s own internal CRM system.
  • As the data could not be uploaded properly, the CRM system could not automatically segregate the information/leads contained in the data as per the relevant account manager. Consequently, the lead/information was not reaching the relevant account manager. Consequently, follow-up on leads was suffering.
  • Customer problems mentioned in the feedback form could not be suitably addressed because the forms could not be uploaded.

iSOURCe Solution:

  • Consolidation of data received from client
  • Database cleansing including removal of junk data and de-duplication
  • Analysis of event-related feedback forms and porting details of the same into an excel sheet
  • Populating mandatory details that were missing in the database so as to make it conform to the MDUT (Marketing Data Upload Template) format required for upload. This involved validating and populating name, official email address, job title, job level, functional department, contact address, contact number, region, line of business, industry vertical. Where relevant, product requirement, lead timeframe and budget allocated were also to be verified and filled into the database format.
  • In addition to validating the data provided, the iSOURCe team also generated leads from the same. iSOURCe had to identify sales opportunities as per certain criteria. For example, leads had to be only for specified products such as networking solutions, voice and unified communications, WebEx, TelePresence, access servers, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), firewall, security management, access points, outdoor wireless, wireless LAN controllers, service exchange etc


ROI delivered by iSOURCe:

As a result of iSOURCe validating the data, populating the missing details in the database and converting the database into the format required for upload, the client experienced a huge improvement in the data uploaded. Consequently, the number of sales leads and contacts uploaded increased and the leads reached the right account managers facilitating quick follow-up. In essence, the data, which was earlier jumbled and in a semi-amorphous state, could now be analysed to yield market intelligence.

Customised Research Case Study

Our client is a multinational communications and information technology provider. Mobile telephones and portable IT devices are its principal products. It also offers Internet services such as applications, games, music, media and messaging via its market platform as well as digital map information and navigation services. It has been the largest vendor of mobile phones in the world.

Customer Challenges

Client was facing a problem in identifying the actual developers out of the total registrants for its free membership program. The client wanted to get some detailed information about their existing developers including the kind of applications they were developing and the platform and technologies being used by them. Another key area which the client wanted investigated was the difficulties faced by developers in developing apps for its platform. It also wanted to increase the membership of its paid developer program by offering it to the developers identified out of the registrants for its free membership program. Further, the client wanted to increase the number of applications available on its app market platform.

iSOURCe solution

Using the list of registrants for client events and through secondary research, iSOURCe helped the client by:

  • Deep profiling mobile application development companies in Asia and the EMEA region
  • Increasing the membership of the client’s developer programs
  • Increasing the number of applications published on the client’s market platform
  • Helping the client in audience-gathering for its events and technical work-shops
  • Validating the applications of registrants for the client’s developer programs


Through iSOURCe, the client benefitted in the following ways:

  • The client received a detailed database of 4,463 mobile application development companies in Asia and the EMEA region.
  • It also received a database, generated via secondary research, of 2,337 mobile application developers from the EMEA region.
  • The number of mobile apps available on its marketplace (Nokia Store) increased significantly
  • The client successfully conducted 32 events and technical workshops with the required set of developers
  • Membership of the client’s paid developer programs went up
  • Applications on the Nokia Store published by developers from SEAP region rose by 320% over four months
  • The number of applications on the Nokia Store published by developers from India increased by 240% over four months
  • The client can now easily extract the required set of developers working on any particular technology, platform or developing any specific app from the knowledge database
  • The knowledge database also helped the client estimate the competition’s strength by comparing the number of apps available on other platforms with the availability of apps developed for its own platform
  • This exercise also helped the client indentify the pain points of the developers of applications for its platform

Growth in number of applications on the Nokia Store over four months with the help of iSOURCe